Wednesday 14 November 2007

Tips for using a Dance Mat

When you have bought a Dance Mat, you will have to look after it properly so you enjoy the mat for a long time. Here are some tips for using a Dance Mat.

Some people recommend maintenancing Dance Mats by putting the Dance Mat in a dry place when storing, dampness and humidity will not be good for it. Also, the obvious, keep Dance Mats away from flames, high heat and moisture. Just generally try to avoid any damage coming to the mat - that means no high-heeled shoes, babies, drinks, puppies and other causes of general havoc

Some people recommend opening and folding the Dance Mat with two persons and recommend wearing gloves while doing this. I reckon it depends on what kind of mat you have, just make sure everything you do, do it carefully.

Some soft mats can be kinda slippy on some surfaces, you might want to try tape the corners of the Dance Mat to the floor or similar. Usually if you put the mat on a piece of non-skid rubber carpet, it will help solve the problem.

Once you have bought a new soft Dance Mat, try to unfold it slowly and put it carefully on the floor. Then leave it alone for about 2 hours, so the mat can settle because if you start dancing on it you are likely to crush the creases, making damage to the mat more likely. Once you're done
playing, you should try put it in a place where you don't need to fold it, such as under the sofa, as it that simply folding the mat can wear away the inner printed circuit, causing far more harm than if you dance on it for months on end, so try to fold it as rarely as possible.

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