Thursday 29 November 2007

High School Musical Dance Mat is bestseller

Marc Rosenberg, chief marketing officer of Zizzle LLC., which licenses many High School Musical toys, said a bestseller is the High School Musical Dance Mat, which challenges users to dance along to its songs. It seems Zizzle has lifted along the succes of the Dance Mats and is set to sell a lot of the High School Musical merchandised ones for Christmas.

For the few of you not knowing High School Musical, here's a short explanation: High School Musical is a very succesful American telefilm, especially popular with kids between 6 and 12 years old. The story is about two high school juniors from rival cliques, a boy and a girl. Together, they try out for the lead parts in their high school musical, and as a result, divide the school. The other students try to demolish their dreams but Troy and Gabriella go on and inspire others along the way not to "stick with the status quo." It's kind of a new version of the well-known Romeo and Juliet.

  • Walmart sells the High School Musican Dance Mat for $24.92 here.
  • Amazon sells it from $27, but have better availability

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