Monday 12 November 2007

Dance Mat used at schools

According to the BBC website, Dance Mats have increased the amount of youth enjoying PE and losing weight. Young people who hate doing sports, especially young girls that are difficult to get to join competitive and traditional sports have succesfully tried out the trail on a school in London, UK.

The Head of PE of a local school in Luton says: "With more and more children becoming obese, one way we can help is by increasing participation in sport and this does that". The trial classes proved so popular that they have now been opened up to all pupils as part of Lea Manor's sports curriculum and as an after school activity.

Pupils fighting obesity have the opportunity to work on balance, cardio vascular, coordination and stamina and per hour of playing on the Dance Mat, people can burn between 400 and 600 calories.

The English government also want to teach kids Spanish by using the Dance Mat. Children will learn Spanish words by placing their feet on coloured squares to the orders of a cartoon character on a screen. The theory is that pupils get excited about learning and therefore will be learning the language quicker.

Sources: and

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